I’m Right You’re Wrong

Original price was: £20,00.Current price is: £8,00.

SKU: 'LPG-IRYWCL Category: Tag:

Players: 2 – 5 • Playing Time: 2 – 20 • Age: 14+

I’m Right You’re Wrong – An ass backwards card game for jerks

Outwit and outlast your opponent(s), by holding onto your hand, and not breaking a rule. 

The twist is…  attacking opponents screws you over, not them.  

It’s the only card game where playing your least worst option is your best.  

Play is similar to other casual games (hand management, elimination, take that).  No actual role-play or arguing involved. 

1.   Take Turns.

2.   Start each turn by drawing a card 

3.   Play one from your hand and follow the rule on the card.

4.   Run out of cards, you lose.

5.   Break a rule, you lose.

6.   Get caught bluffing, you lose.

7.   The game ends when all but 1 player is eliminated.

Creators comments:  Our mission is to create fun-first, educational games that promote mental wellness. We believe that playing games makes people nicer – geek therapy.

“The thing that takes this game to the next level is the theme and how it ties in so well – having an argument, needing to be the person to have the last word and not all of the cards are just about attack attack attack. Lots of the [High Road] cards are about taking accountability, empathizing and being responsible. As a therapist, I think that’s pretty cool that it’s in this game.” — Lance Goodwin; Marriage & Family Therapist 


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