Dead Man’s Hand | The Bucks | 28mm Metal Unit

Original price was: £19,50.Current price is: £7,80.

SKU: 'NSG-DMH-Gen-28-Me-U-TB Category: Tag:

The hard living in these parts can throw different folks together. What binds them is sometimes more obvious than others. Whether it’s a shared identity or shared hardships folks tend to gather together to get through. When Buck Elba and the rest of his gang came to town it was plain as the nose on your face what bound them together. What it is they want in town is a little harder to discern. Whether here for good or bad only time will tell.

Boxed gang of 7 metal miniatures including special rules card and plastic bases. Models supplied unpainted. 

You will need a copy of the DMH sourcebook “The Good” to use this faction.

Sculpted by Mark Evans. Painted by Warpfiend Studios.


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