This 30 Card Trick or Trade Bundle consists of one of each card from the set;
- 10 Common Cards
- 6 Uncommon Cards
- 4 Rare Cards
- 10 Holo Cards
This 30 Card Trick or Trade Bundle consists of one of each card from the set;
- 089/202 Sinistea
- 090/202 Polteageist
- 102/192 Galarian Runerigus
- 019/185 Dhelmise
- 069/185 Duskull
- 070/185 Dusclops
- 071/185 Dusknoir
- 095/185 Lycanroc
- 080/203 Marshadow
- 016/196 Phantump
- 017/196 Trevenant
- 024/196 Litwick
- 025/196 Lampent
- 026/196 Chandelure
- 064/196 Gastly
- 065/196 Haunter
- 066/196 Gengar
- 073/196 Banette
- 081/196 Spectrier
- 103/195 Zubat
- 034/198 Houndoom
- 087/198 Shuppet
- 089/198 Drifloon
- 090/198 Drifblim
- 104/198 Greavard
- 106/198 Houndstone
- 062/193 Pikachu
- 088/193 Mismagius
- 097/193 Mimikyu
- 131/193 Murkrow
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